I Mentored 8 Copywriters Over Ten Weeks…

THIS Is the #1 Mental Block That Stops Them From Getting More Clients, Scaling to $10k+ Months and Living the Life of Their Dreams

Join Me for 5 Days While I Show You How to Permanently Remove This “Success-Sabotaging” Block Alongside My Personal Growth Coach Who Charges More Than $1000/Hr

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Limited Time Only, For Just $97!

P.S. This special offer EXPIRES at 11:59PM Pacific on Sunday August 4th
No exceptions. Even if we’re besties.

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From the Desk of Luke Iha:
In this letter, I'm going to reveal how ONE "mental factor" could open the floodgates to attracting high-paying clients, blowing past your income goals, and stepping into your full potential in ALL areas of your life.

It's so simple yet so powerful, that when you fully adopt it… 

Not only will you experience a monumental shift in your freelancing career…

But your personal relationships… your level of self-confidence... your financial abundance... and your sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life...

Will reach new heights you NEVER thought were possible.

It can even give you what some might call "magical powers."

(I'm not joking about that either). 

But before I dive into all those details…

Let me first make it clear that this page is for any sentient human being with a pulse.

Because what I'm about to share with you…

This ONE "mental factor"…

Is so fundamental, important, and universal that it has the potential to transform any aspect of your life you're unsatisfied with.

So if you've found your way to this page — then this message is for you.

However, I'm specifically writing this for copywriters who want to make $10k+ per month.

Those who want to make more money… 

Get clients on autopilot… have those same clients repeatedly hire them, give them referrals, and pay them what they are truly worth…

And develop such radical self-respect that they become unstoppable in their pursuit of success.

If that sounds like you, then keep reading, because what I'm about to reveal could be the missing piece you've been searching for.

So What's This One "Mental Factor" That Gives You Magical Powers? 

I know.

That claim seems ridiculous, right?

But the more I study it and apply it to my own life, the more I realize how undeniably true it is.

Yet almost NOBODY talks about it.

(Especially not in the copywriting and freelancing world).

Which is honestly kind of DEVASTATING…

Because when I look at the top performers across all industries...

The ones that people TRULY look up to and admire...

The individuals who are not just successful in the outward sense, but who also exude genuine happiness, fulfillment, and inner peace...

They have all tapped into this one "mental factor."

And that's why I’m so excited to share it with you today.

This is my attempt at shining a massive floodlight on this hidden gem so that YOU can reap its transformative benefits.

So just bear with me for just a little longer.

Give me the leeway to create a few more “open loops” while I talk about HOW this all came to be.

Because once you understand the origin story behind this "mental factor," everything will start to make sense.

And you'll see why I believe it’s the single most important piece to unlocking your full potential and achieving the success you've always dreamed of.

So let’s dive in. 

Over the Last 10 Weeks, I Held a

Private, "Invite-Only" Cohort to Help Copywriters
Of Every Level Make More Money

In this cohort, there were copywriters who had made $0 online.

And then there were those who had already achieved the coveted $10k+ per month milestone.

I've worked with many of these copywriters for years, helping them navigate the challenges of the industry and reach their goals.

But this particular cohort was even more eye-opening than the others.


Because it was so intimate, private, and small…

This unique setting allowed me to really dig deep and see the mental roadblocks that were holding these talented copywriters back from the success they were truly capable of.

And you know what I discovered?

It wasn't their copywriting skills, a lack of tactics or techniques that was stopping them.

We covered everything — cold email, Upwork, job boards, referrals, and a ton of other new strategies (ones I’ll be sharing with this list pretty soon). 

But none of those were the things that truly moved the needle.

Instead, it was actually a cluster of different mental blocks that were preventing these copywriters from achieving the success they deserved.

As I reflected on the patterns I noticed throughout the cohort…

There was ONE FACTOR that stood out above all the rest as the #1 most important thing for success as a copywriter.

And I never would have “discovered” it…

If I Hadn't Decided to Approach This Cohort as Obscenely Lazily as Possible

Here’s what I mean by that.

See, I have a tendency to want to be an “interventionist” and jump into fixing as many problems for me as I can. 

But for this cohort, I decided to take a different approach.

I literally committed to doing just three things:
  • Ask people how their week went
  • Ask what they felt they should do in the next week
  • Make them commit to doing it
That was it. That was the entire formula.

Every week, I would ask each copywriter, "What do you think you should do this week?"

And then, I would follow up with, "Okay, now commit to doing it."

That's where ALL of the magic of success came from.

And there was a lot of success in it.

People quit their jobs to become full time copywriters, started YouTube channels, landed more clients than they could manage, fully optimized their Upwork profiles, and made a ton of money.

But here's the important part. 

It had almost ZERO to do with any specific tactic or technique.

It was literally this simple formula:
  • What should you do (you already know)?
  • Commit to doing it.
That's it.

If This Sounds Like a "Duh" Moment — Good

Because it should be that simple.

Deep down, you already know what you should be doing…

And if you just did it, you'd have all of the success you want.

So, what's stopping you?

What hidden obstacle is blocking you from charging forward and achieving what you already know you're capable of?

And how can you obliterate this obstacle once and for all?


And it's PRECISELY what this "mental factor" is.

So, what is it?


That's it.

Plain and simple.


Your WORD.

Which essentially boils down to this premise:
"If you were able to keep your promises to yourself and others, you would have everything you want in life."
Let that sink in for a moment.

Really think about it.

Because deep down inside, you have to know that's true.

When you give your word, when you make a commitment, you're not just making a promise to someone else…

You're making a promise to yourself.

And when you break that promise, when you fail to follow through on your word, you're not just letting others down…

You're letting yourself down.

You're eroding your own self-trust, your own belief in your ability to achieve your goals and create the life you desire.

In fact, the people we tend to break our word to most? Ourselves.

But let's take a beat and reflect… 






When I Say “Keep Your Word” 
— What Do You Feel?

Do you get bored?

Does it sound like something you’ve heard of before? 

Or like I’m beating you on the head with biblical platitudes like some Sunday School teacher?

Well if you feel that way, I get it…

But I want to invite you to entertain a different perspective…

Even if just for a minute…

And keep an open mind.

Because I used to think that I understood the importance of keeping your word.

“Yeah, yeah — if you’re on time, you’re late.

I’ve heard all of that before.”

But it wasn’t until I had some unique experiences that showed me I was dead WRONG…

When I realized the depth of what it truly means to be your word…

And how absolutely critical it is to your success and fulfillment in life.

So I really encourage you to keep an open mind (at least for this next part).

Why Is Your Word the #1 Most 
Important Mental Factor In the World?

Is it because Alex Hormozi talks about it…

Or because Conor McGregor swears by it…

Or because every successful entrepreneur, athlete, or public figure you admire seems to emphasize its importance?

No, it's not because of any of that.

The reason your word is the #1 most important mental factor in the world goes far beyond what any celebrity or influencer says.

It’s Because It’s the Foundation of Your Self-Esteem and Trust With Others…

On a very practical level… 

Every time you break your word to yourself… 

Every time you wake up late…

Skip that workout…

Miss a deadline…

Even when you’re just a couple minutes late to a meeting…

You are slowly chipping away at your self-esteem, self-confidence and trust with yourself.

Every. Single. Time.

And with each broken promise, you're subtly programming yourself to believe that you can't follow through on your commitments…

That you aren’t someone who’s reliable and dependable...

That failure is a part of your identity.


You’re literally decoupling the most powerful tool you have within yourself.

Because Your Word Is Literally Magic — When You Use it Right

Magic is “the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with will.”

In other words…
I will it…

I speak it… 

It happens.
I will it…

I speak it… 

It happens.
… And again… 
I will it…

I speak it… 

It happens.
It’s the simplest “spell” you could ever imagine.

Yet one of the most powerful ones for creating the reality you want to live in. 
I will get a client this week.

I speak it… 

It happens.
I will make $10k this month.

I speak it…

It happens.
Whatever fucking “spell” you want to cast is up to you…

But in order for it to actually WORK…

It MUST be grounded in the power of your word.

When this is so tightly coupled that it’s unbreakable…

When you WILL it, SPEAK it and then make it HAPPEN…

You’ve literally harnessed the power of magic.

You truly become a master of your reality.

That’s actually magic.


Most People Think “Keeping Your Word” Is All About How Much Willpower You Have 
— That’s Bullshit 

You might read this and be like…

“Yeah, of course.”

If I could follow through…

Or have more discipline…

Or just force myself to do every damn thing I know I should be doing…

Then I’d have everything I wanted.

But that isn’t actually what’s going on.

The Real Reason You Fail to 
Keep Your Word Is Because...

You don’t respect the sacredness of your word. 

Which means you don’t understand the profound and significant implications of giving your word, not just to others but also to yourself.

So it’s easy to think, “Ah, it’s just a little promise. It's not a huge deal."

But here's the reality:

Every broken promise, even a small one, is a BIG deal.

Every time you break your word to others AND yourself… 

You’re throwing away a GOLDEN opportunity to build trust and strengthen relationships:

The relationship with your clients… family… friends… and most importantly... yourSELF.

In other words, there’s a bigger dance going on before, after and around the scenes…

Yet VERY few people are actually aware of it.

And the ones that truly are…

Do NOT take their word lightly.

Not because of some kind of “code of ethics” either…

But because they know that being in integrity with their word creates real, tangible emotional and spiritual energy that they can harness to attack any obstacle in front of them.

Let me give you a perfect example. 

When’s the last time you were 1-minute late?

Think about that for a moment. 

It seems like such a trivial thing, right? 

Just one minute. What's the big deal?

For a lot of people, being "just a minute late" is an everyday occurrence. 

And I used to be one of them.

I mean, who doesn't run late every once in a while? It happens.

But then, I met a man who completely shattered my perspective on this.

The Long Island Chiropractor Who Exploded His Business 
By Giving Away Free Appointments 

About a year ago I met a guy who owned a successful chiropractic clinic in Long Island.

His clinic was thriving, with a constant flow of new patients and a high retention rate.

And he attributes nearly ALL of his success to one simple rule he lived by:

Never be late. Not even by a minute.

In fact, he took this rule so seriously that if he was even one minute late to his appointment...

The appointment was completely free.

Of course, his patients thought it was nuts.

They didn't want him to lose money... and they certainly didn't mind waiting an extra minute or two.

But this chiropractor understood something that most people would balk at...

Losing money from a free appointment was nothing compared to the cost of breaking his word.

And as it turned out...

Being fanatically punctual was the BEST thing he could've done for his business.

His clients felt valued, they felt respected, and they knew that when he said he would do something...

He did it.

The chiropractor's commitment and integrity resulted in an avalanche of referrals… repeat business… and a rock-solid reputation that set him apart from his competitors.

(big marketing lesson in here btw).

Word of mouth spread like wildfire.

And this man is just one example of the magical power of your word.

Over the last year, I’ve had a cascade of experiences that have made me undeniably clear about one thing:

Keeping Your Word Creates an Invincible “Aura”
In Your Personal Life, Relationships and Business

If you look at all the reviews from the chiropractor I mentioned.

They have 4.9+ stars.

All of them with rave reviews…

Like people are writing full paragraphs talking about how wonderful their experience was. 

Heck, even their 1-star reviews are pretty good, lol:
But here’s the thing.

Yes, some of these reviews were about the actual “pain relief.”

In other words, the actual service.

But an OVERWHELMING amount of these comments were about the actual experience of the clinic itself.

The staff… 

The professionalism… 

The welcoming atmosphere… 

How they treated people…


And I know firsthand from the guy who started it all…

That their entire culture and business philosophy is rooted is rooted in one single, ultimate principle:

They live by their word. 

And because they do this...

Their clients absolutely love them.

Which in turn creates a cascade effect within the entire business…

Where everything is clear… everyone is in integrity… then it creates this unstoppable presence.

This is true in ANY truly successful business with raving customers.

And true in your personal life as well.

The Copywriters Who Can Literally Just Keep Their Promises
Are 500x More Successful Than Those Who Can’t

No, that's not a real statistic. 

It’s based on the fact that I made up. 

But honestly, it’s probably remarkably close to the truth.

I remember hearing from someone who’s hired hundreds of copywriters for multiple 9-figure companies… 

Not just random people either…

Like really good copywriters too, including some A-listers. 

And someone asked her…

“What percentage of copywriters turn stuff in on time?”

Her answer?



And then she said there was at least ONE guy who let her know when he was going to turn stuff in late, and he was her favorite.

So 0% turn things in on time…

Her favorite is someone who STILL doesn’t turn in on time (but lets her know ahead of time)...

Which means less than 1% even have the courtesy to let her know. 

Do you see how easy the playing field actually is?

Do you see why you’re probably shooting yourself in the foot riding the client merry-go-round when in reality maybe you’re just annoying to work with?

Maybe you just don’t keep your word?

Maybe you should be replaced by robots who can actually follow through on things?


I’m getting a little bit off track here. 

I’m not saying this to beat you up.

In fact, I’m also guilty of not turning things in on time…

Not communicating… 

And breaking my word. 

So This Isn’t About Knocking You Down… 
Making You Feel Guilty or Bad… Or Any of That

This is about you connecting to the value and magic of your word.

Opening your eyes so you can see how IMPORTANT it truly is…

And gaining more awareness around all of the places where you break it (even without you knowing).


It’s about giving you the experience of concentrating attention on your word…

So you can see for yourself what it’s like to live in integrity with it.

I promise it will be life-changing.

And there’s a reason why it’s an experience.

Transformation ONLY Comes Through Experience

I really haven’t seen it work any other way… 

Either a circumstance in your life forces you to change…

Or you go through an event that does it for you.

This is why “talk therapy” doesn't lead to lasting change…

Books hardly move the needle… 

And why learning alone can only get you so far.

I’m sure you’ve done it before.

You buy a book… you learn some things…

But then a week or two later nothing’s really changed.

That's because, without an experience… it’s all just information.

Knowledge is NOT power... 

It’s the APPLICATION of knowledge that is power.

And to shift from a place of KNOWING something to actually DOING something...


The kind of experiences that shape your actual “being.”

Your essence.

That’s the ONLY way to make genuine, lasting change.
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Limited Time Only, For Just $97!

P.S. This special offer EXPIRES at 11:59PM Pacific on Sunday August 4th
No exceptions. Even if we’re besties.

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Which Is Exactly Why I Want to Invite You to a 5-Day
Transformational Experience W/ One of the World’s Best Coaches

Over the last year…

I’ve had the pleasure of working with someone who I consider to be one of the most intuitive, insightful and truly transformational coaches I’ve ever seen.

It’s not just in my life…

With massive growth and change in all areas…

Massive productivity increase…

Massive self-understanding and confidence…

People tell me all the time that I’m not the same person. 

I’m way more effective…

And way more “in flow” than I’ve ever been.

And I attribute so much to her input.

Here’s the “potted version” of her bio.
Dr. Laurie Emery has been a transformational coach for the past two decades…

She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology… 

And works with CEOs, entrepreneurs and other high achievers (many of whom you probably know). 
Frankly, she has a lot more “credentials” than that.

But the truth is that they’re far less important than WHO SHE IS.

Because if you strip away all the titles… 

You’ll find that what really makes her special is her unique, world-class ability to intuit what’s holding you back and get you real, lasting transformation.

Everyone I’ve introduced her to has said something similar…

That she’s impacted them more than any other coach, therapist or training.. 

Many even call her “the last coach you’ll ever need”.

So I hold her highly.

In simpler terms…

Dr. Laurie Is Hands-Down the Most Qualified Person
To Guide Us Through This 72- Hour Experience

And what is this experience?

Again, it’s based on the simplest premise imaginable:

If you just kept your word to yourself and others…

You’d have everything you want in life.

But we’re not just going to accept that at face value.

We’re actually going to put it to the test

And over 3 days….

72 hours…

We’re going to put intense focus on what it means to actually KEEP YOUR WORD. 

(Technically, the whole workshop lasts 5 days — but the core of the workshop lasts those first 3 days).

So you can see the true power of what happens when you live in integrity…

The kind of energy you can harness… 

The total transformation in your being. 

Alongside myself and Dr. Laurie.

So let me tell you all about it:

Here’s How the Workshop Works…

On Day 1…

We’re going to lay the foundation of why our word is so important to your life... 

And WHY you need to focus on it.

It’s all about drawing “awareness” to what you’re dealing with…

And laying that foundation…

So you can actually see WHERE you’re not keeping your word to yourself.

And fair warning… 

Once you become aware of how often you break your word… you can never UNsee it.

This is essential.

It’s going to be live on Day 1.

And you can listen in later.

Then Days 2 to 4 is when the challenge begins.

This is where you will walk through a series of exercises…


And experiences... 

Each designed to help you further recognize where you're breaking your word…

And focus on practicing keeping your word in ALL areas of your life.

Yes, including those small commitments. (Remember, they’re the ones that tend to be broken most frequently.)

But in the simplest terms…

It’s literally just trying to keep your word to yourself for 3 days…

And watching what unfolds as a result.

Watching where your mind tries to take over…

And serve its own agenda based on feelings and circumstances…

Especially when it comes to giving your word and keeping it.

It’s noticing where ALL of the places are out of alignment.

Where the little things eat at your self-confidence.

Because it’s the little things that we don’t see that usually have the biggest impact.

And you lose that magic.

Then there’s Day 5…

This is where you debrief things.

And it’s very powerful.

During this debrief you’ll receive tons of information about what’s really holding you back.

Because this experience is meant to be a “lens” for you to look through everything.

To Sum It All Up…

  • On Day 1, Dr. Laurie Emery and I will guide you through a profound “reshift” in thinking about the power of your Word. This will connect you to that value, and make it easier to follow through on it.
  • Then, on Days 2-4, we’ll actually practice keeping our word for an entire 72 hours, noticing times we (inevitably) break it or things that come up. This is an experience and you will not be the same after going through it.
  • Finally, on Day 5, we’ll debrief the entire experience (and integrate it). I promise this will be the most insightful day of the challenge if you show up.


This workshop will be held Monday through Friday, August 5th-August 9th.

Each call will be held 1pm-2.30pm EST. 

Yes, there will be replays.


The nature of this workshop is very different from anything you’re used to.

Which means your participation will be essential to getting the most out of it.

So while we will make it possible for you to complete the workshop without attending the calls. 

We highly recommend that you do your absolute best to come on the calls live. 
Oh, and by the way… 

In the kindest way possible :)

You Will Absolutely Fail At This Challenge

Pretty much everyone will.

Like a 100% fail rate, lol.

Because when keeping your word or your promise to yourself and others…

It’s extremely easy to slip up (especially when you really understand how deep your word goes)..

Okay, now what do you do with this?

Do you beat yourself up?

Do you give up the moment you stumble?

No, because it’s VITAL information that will change everything for you…

And show you exactly where your blocks are with your word.

Exactly where you’re resisting...

Exactly what’s getting in your way…

And it's only through this deep-dive that we can uncover the true depth of these issues and transform them from the inside out.

It’s very hard.

But it will show you more about yourself than almost anything else you can do. 

With that said, IF you’d like to experience what it’s like to be fully aware…

Here’s How You Can Join This Workshop

The selfish reason why I want to do this workshop…

Is to be able to give this list and my community access to Dr. Laurie…

Currently you have to pay her tens of thousands of dollars each month…

Or join one of her other high-ticket programs.

And while I think all of those are worth way more than what it is (I’ve paid for them myself)...

I wanted a way to make this available access to her and this workshop for FIVE whole days…

For a price that’s like 68x times cheaper than her HOURLY rate.

So I’ve decided to price this workshop at $97.

I want it to be just enough of a stretch that everyone who joins takes it seriously (because how you show up on the workshop IS part of the training itself).

And I want it to be a community that’s committed to the whole process.

And it’s low enough that anyone can afford it.

Priced out it’s about $20 a day.

Which is about the cost of a meal in an average restaurant.

So I truly believe that anyone who feels the call to join will be able to. 

I also know for a fact that if you absorb this lesson…

It will make you more than $97… 

In terms of your business growth…

Relationship growth…

And pretty much every facet of your life.

If you come and take it seriously, you will have had an undeniable transformational experience that nobody can take away from you. 

I’m not saying it will fix all your problems..

But you will be forever changed by it. 

I Also Guarantee You Get Way More Value Out Of It

It’s a very simple guarantee.

Join the program… 

Go through each day…

If you take it seriously and don’t feel like it was one of the most impactful things you’ve ever done, let us know and we’ll refund you on the spot.

IMPORTANT: You have to actually go through the workshop and show up in the group or the calls to be eligible. 

This is counter what will give me more sales.

But it’s because the commitment to keeping your word begins right now.

I only want people who are serious and committed to be in the program…

Because your energy will affect everyone else.

Make sense?

And what’s more…

For Everyone Who Finishes the Challenge…
I’m Also Hosting a BONUS Workshop W/ Freelancing Guru Brian Speronello Going Over Every Tactic For How to Get Clients

You can thank Mario for this one…

When I told him I wanted to do this workshop…

He basically said “yes,” as long as I explicitly connected it to improving your ability to attract and retain more clients. 

So I decided to add this day in…

To guarantee that once you’ve mastered this concept of the word…

You can leave with actual tangible strategies and tactics that are working right now to get copywriting clients online. 

(These two things combined have the potential to supercharge your copywriting career and blast you through to the other side of whatever income level you're currently stuck at.)

Now, if you don’t know Brian Speronello…

He’s probably one of the best freelancing experts I know when it comes to getting clients, getting referrals, creating contracts, and retaining clients for YEARS..

He consistently makes six figures a deal…

He’s a master at setting up performance deals… 

And he’s probably one of the most organized freelancers I’ve ever met in my life.

Together, we’re basically just going to answer as many questions as we can over the course of a couple of hours. 

This will only be made available to people who complete the workshop. 

Since I want to keep this intimate, this should be a pretty tight knit group. 

Okay, so now basically it’s up to you what you want to do next.

If you feel any sort of inkling pushing you in this direction…

Then I highly recommend that you join.

Come with us during this 5-day experience. 

I don’t have any sort of hard pitch for you… 

But I do want to tell you… 

This Is the Saddest Thing In the World to Me

It’s when I see someone who doesn’t trust themselves.

When that trust is so eroded…

They can’t follow through.

There’s no urgency.

They don’t believe in themselves.

I’ve been in that state myself.

And it’s this gross, grimy fog that keeps you mired in low confidence and sucks your energy. 

If you want an experience specifically designed to break you out of that...

Then I want to see you there. 

This workshop is the antidote.

There is no upsell on the other page.

This is for a very select few individuals who want to realistically transform themselves…

To get more clients…

Scale their business to $10k+ a month…

Live the life of their dreams… 

And most importantly…

To LOVE the person they see in the mirror.

This is for those of you who are tired of breaking promises to yourself… 

Who are done with the self-betrayal… 

And who want to rebuild the trust within themselves, which is the foundation for everything else in your life.

If that’s you then join this workshop.

If it feels immensely like it’s something you want to do.

I promise it will be one of the most powerful things you ever do.

Yes, this is my “crossroads close…”

Showing you the dark path of saying no…

And how blessed you’ll be when you say yes. 

But these are just words on the page…

The consequences in your life are very real.

And they can be changed.

But only if you do something about it.

It's that simple.

If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten.

But this isn’t for everyone.

If you're happy with the money that you're making…

The shape you’re in…

The relationships you have…

Or the way you view yourself and talk about yourself…

This isn’t for you. 

And I genuinely mean that.

But if you’re looking for a TRANSFORMATIONAL experience that will show you where you’re being held back and more importantly how to BREAK THROUGH…

Then this experience will transform your entire life into something you’ve never experienced before.

I can promise you that. 

I hope to see you there :) 

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Limited Time Only, For Just $97!

P.S. This special offer EXPIRES at 11:59PM Pacific on Sunday August 4th
No exceptions. Even if we’re besties.

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