For copywriters, marketers, and direct response business owners… who want the power to consistently pull fat STACKS of hidden PROFIT out of ANY email list.

Join Us For This Brand New, 5 Day VIP Virtual Workshop:

AI Email Mastery

We’ll Give You ALL Our Best Cutting-Edge AI Driven Processes 
For Quickly And Easily Cranking Out Top 1% Emails In 2024

So You Can Trigger Massive BUYER Stampedes

That Turn “Barely Interested” Subscribers Into Obsessively COMMITTED Customers & Clients… Who BEG You To Take Their Money! 

(Simply Put… We’re Handing You The SHORTCUTS 
For ASSEMBLING High-Converting Emails… 

Without Needing To Be A World-Class Copywriter)

The AI Email Mastery workshop is FOR YOU if you’d like to…
  • Separate yourself from the pack of “commoditized” email copywriters who fight for scraps… and ASCEND into the top tier of email KINGPINS who command HEAVY retainers + rev share deals… 

    (With THESE secrets, you’ll become an IRREPLACEABLE asset)
  • Leverage the 5 Crucial “Copy Blocks” to print ADDICTIVE “Click Driver” Emails… that funnel thousands of EXCITED prospects to ANY sales message… 

    (This can DOUBLE or TRIPLE your number of daily buyers… 
    WITHOUT changing your sales letter or VSL.) 
  • Uncover $2.7 MILLION Launch Secrets: We’ll give you a BEHIND-THE-SCENES breakdown of the most-talked about email launch of 2024…

    (Discover ALL the REAL strategy and secrets behind a launch SO successful, Hormozi made a Youtube video about it. We’ll show you what he didn’t.)
  • INDOCTRINATE subscribers… with value-driven personality emails that PRE-SELL prospects on your products, programs and services…

    (This is how you make your competitors INVISIBLE… and constantly convert subscribers into BUYERS… WITHOUT burning out your list.)
  • FILL any sales team’s calendar with PROVEN “Book A Call” frameworks that power DOZENS of today’s top 8-figure coaching programs/agencies…

    (We’ll give you the EXACT frameworks that FLOOD the phones…
    AND show you how and when to leverage AI to produce record-breaking revenue days in LESS time. Feels like CHEATING.)
  • ​Discover the SPECIFIC process we use to run CASH INJECTION Promos… that routinely bring in up to $10 PER subscriber! NOT per open, or per click. Per SUBSCRIBER! WITHOUT selling high-ticket.

    (Plus… WHY running these promos for clients is one of the most LUCRATIVE opportunities we see for copywriters who want to stack 20K, 30K, even $50K royalty checks in 2024.
    Luke and I are secretly building a 7-figure agency around this right now.)
  • Attend a 2 Hour EMAIL ALL-STAR VIP Session… to discover What’s Working BEST in 2024. 

    (Imagine going out to a PRIVATE dinner with the Head Of Email at Clickfunnels… the copywriter behind one of Hormozi’s 9-figure brands…plus top experts who are CRUSHING it for Cole Gordon, Performance Golf, and top 8-figure health brands…

    Then getting them to write ALL their top secrets… what’s working right now… on a cocktail napkin. That the rest of the world won’t ever see.

    Well, we arranged this FOR you. We strong-armed these legitimate email rockstars into joining us for a VIP panel. It’s gonna be a game-changer.)
  • Plus how to use AI to reduce the workload by up to 90%... and a bunch of other valuable SUPER bonuses!
An Angry Letter From Mario Castelli:
I can’t even hide it…

I’m pissed off.

I WISH I wasn’t writing this letter.

There are about 4374 things I’d rather be doing on a sunny Saturday morning in August.

So IF there were a comprehensive, world-class email copywriting program out there…

That showed you everything you needed to know…

To quickly and easily crank out high-converting emails that make tons of sales…

So you can maximize your business profits… 

Or stack retainers and rev share deals from clients

I would’ve HAPPILY linked you to THAT program…

Then dragged my pasty body to the beach… so I can finally even out this “Staten Island tan.”

But apparently… I’m more likely to find a UNICORN… than a course that shows you how to write world-class emails, step-by-step.
(DISCLAIMER: I like their style… but they probably can’t write emails for shit)
I KNOW this… 

Because my team and I have gone through DOZENS of “top” email copywriting programs this year. 

And umm, well, let me be nice…

A few of these programs had some great tips in there… even though there seemed to be some crucial details conveniently “left out.”

And the majority of these programs were actually good enough to take you from “clueless beginner” to “decent.”

Which would’ve been FINE if we were still living in 2021…

Where so many online businesses were able to get by without even MAILING their lists.

But “decent” doesn’t fly in 2024.
  • NOT with ChatGPT + thousands of 19 year old Youtube/TikTok “CoPyWriTeRs” LITTERING the market…

    (Making emails feel like a valueless commodity that’s hard to find clients for.)
  • NOT with skyrocketing ad costs that’s making it SO much harder to turn a profit on the front-end of a funnel… 
  • NOT with a struggling economy… filled with JADED customers… who are becoming VERY hesitant to open up their wallets until you FULLY earn their trust.
Plus a bunch of other factors I don’t even want to go into…

(Marketers hate election years for a reason.)

The bottom line is…

In 2024, Sending World-Class Emails 
That Trigger Massive Sales Is No Longer A Luxury… It’s a NECESSITY!

Driving sales through email is STILL one of the MOST important skills to master… 

For copywriters and business owners who want to actually MAKE MONEY.

And I say that… as someone who’s been “on the inside” of ALL of it.

Because after privately consulting dozens of 7, 8, and 9-figure businesses over the last two years…

(Previously running CA Pro with Stefan… and now through Copy Coders Elite.)

I know how these businesses ACTUALLY pay the bills.

And what many people don’t realize is…

A large portion of a company’s PROFIT 
comes directly from their email list.

Yes, these companies run tons of ads…

And spend a lot of time dialing in their fancy funnels…

(Usually paying people like me $25K + royalties to write their copy)

But that’s just to bring people in through the door. 

Which is getting more expensive by the day.

And those front end margins ain’t what they used to be.

A lot of times, businesses are happy to BREAK EVEN on the front end.

Some of them even go NEGATIVE with their initial acquisition costs.

They bring in customers at an upfront LOSS.

Which means…

Businesses Actually NEED To Drive Serious Revenue From Their Email Lists… In Order To STAY In Business…

Not to mention… stuff actual PROFIT into their bank account.

The sad part is…

A lot of these businesses are leaving BIG money on the table.

Because even though everyone and their grandma seems to CALL themself an Email Copywriter these days…
  • ​Those who ACTUALLY know how to CONSISTENTLY craft emails…
  • That drive massive amounts of PRE-SOLD clicks…
  • Get prospects to eagerly CONSUME and buy from your sales messages/VSLs…
  • Or set up LAYUPS for the high-ticket phone teams…
Are actually STILL as rare as ever.

(And they’re in EXTREME demand. Which is why they’re able to command fat $5-10K monthly retainers + rev share.)

I know this…

Because I’ve worked with HUNDREDS of copywriters over the last year.

I’ve reviewed THOUSANDS of emails.

And I routinely have to FIX these emails on our weekly Genesis feedback calls…

Because most emails I see are usually MISSING a lot of the MAGIC that’s needed to drive MAXIMUM conversions.

Now don’t get me wrong…

I’m not complaining about it.

I’m happy to roll my sleeves up…

And help turn our students’ emails from “OK” to GREAT.

It’s FUN for me.

But every time I have to make the fixes…

I feel GUILTY inside.

Almost like… I’ve been letting my people down. 

You see…

I’ve been writing copy for 12 years now.

Generated well over 200 million dollars for clients…

(Plus whatever “extra millions’ I never followed up to find out about…)

I’ve written every TYPE of copy you can think of.

At this point, writing WINNING copy is second nature to me.

So writing good emails…

Is something I can do in my sleep.

But I’m NOT saying that to brag…

Quite the OPPOSITE…

because it’s a PROBLEM.

A blind spot that I’m working my ass off to CORRECT.

Because if something’s EASY to me…

It sometimes causes me to OVERESTIMATE how easy it is for OTHERS.

And since Luke and I build our workshops and coaching programs for active, WORKING, professional copywriters + entrepreneurs…

(We specifically DON’T go after beginners who think copy is some easy money biz op…)

I kind of ASSUMED that our writers have ALREADY been taught how to craft winning emails… before even JOINING our programs.

That’s why we never really put out a comprehensive email training program before.

I ASSUMED that OTHERS in the market… already had this handled.

So I THOUGHT we were free to work on all the sexy cutting-edge AI stuff…

But as I’m stubbornly being reminded week after week…

My assumptions were DEAD WRONG.

There’s Still A Huge GAP In The Copywriting Market… When It Comes To Writing World-Class Emails That Print $!

That’s a BIG problem…

FOR the reasons I laid out earlier.

Because not only is “writing emails” the path that the MAJORITY of professional copywriters RELY on to make their living…

But businesses are literally DEPENDING on their writers being able to crank out high-converting emails.

Without enough CAPABLE email writers, the whole DR industry goes into its OWN recession. 

And since our business caters to copywriters + DR businesses…

We’re kinda invested in NOT letting that happen.


Just like we did… when we reverse engineered winning HOOKS and Micro-Leads…

(With our “Attention Hacking” workshop…)

And just like we set a new standard of customer research with our AI Avatar Machine workshop…

Luke And I Feel OBLIGATED 
To Pick Up The Batphone… 
And Answer The Call Of Duty AGAIN.

(Why didn’t anyone tell me becoming a “COPY GURU” came with so much fuckin’ responsibility?)

Because it’s become abundantly clear…

We CAN’T just sit around waiting and hoping for SOMEONE else to step up…

To build a comprehensive A-Z program for writing high-converting emails.

So We Decided We’re Gonna Have To 
Take Charge… And Build The 
Best Damn Email Copywriting Workshop 
That’s Ever Been Created!


The ONLY way we’d commit to doing that…

Is if we KNEW we could put together a workshop that lives up to OUR strict standards.

So don’t get it twisted.

Because this workshop ISN’T just a rehashing of the boring basics… 

Yes… we’re going to cover important FUNDAMENTALS.

The CRUCIAL factors to making emails work…

…that most copywriters and marketers have NEVER been taught.


If you decide to come along for THIS ride…

You better strap in.

Because the GOAL of this workshop isn’t just to make you “competent” with email.

The whole purpose of this VIP workshop is to give you MASTERY.

That’s Why We’ve Cleverly Decided To Name This Workshop:

AI Email Mastery

This workshop is going to cover ALL the important secrets you need to know…

So you can quickly and easily craft high-converting emails… to sell pretty much ANY product or service… in ANY market.

We’re going to give you ALL the necessary fundamentals…

ALL the proven frameworks…

And… just in case the name of the workshop didn’t tip you off…

Yes… We’re Obviously Going To 
Give You A Bunch Of Proprietary
AI Prompts And Processes… 

So You Can Produce World-Class Emails… On Command…

In The Least Amount Of Time, Using The Smallest Amount Of Mental Bandwidth!

Yes, there’s some work involved…

You’re gonna have to do some “copy and pasting…”

You’re gonna have to “course correct” now and then…

You’re probably gonna want to make a few edits…

(Even though a lot of these emails are surprisingly good… completely unedited).

That’s a GOOD thing.

If it was ALL 100% automated… then nobody would need to PAY YOU big checks for producing these emails.

But as a self-admitted lazy fuck myself…

I’m willing to work REALLY hard… once…

In order to MINIMIZE the AMOUNT of work required on an ongoing basis.

That’s why we spent so much time and energy TESTING different AI systems…

And finding out the BEST way to leverage AI to drive opens, clicks, and sales.

That’s what we’re going to share with you.

AI Email Mastery strikes that crucial balance between HIGH EFFECTIVENESS AND MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY.

Because when you have a SYSTEMIZED process…

For cranking out top tier emails…

(BETTER quality than you’d write “manually”)

In much LESS time…

That puts you in position to REALLY take advantage of the opportunities in the market right now.

And Luke and I are going to give you ALL the skills you need to exploit those opportunities.


AI Email MASTERY Is Designed To Be The ONLY Email Copywriting Workshop You Need… To Write High-Converting Emails In 2024…

Because if you take the time to actually ABSORB this workshop…

And internalize the processes we share with you…

You’ll vault into that top 5% of email copywriters who actually know what the hell they’re doing.

You’ll have the power to write high-converting emails for businesses… and turn names into NUMBER$$$ on command.

And as you build that reputation as someone who can generate a shit ton of sales through email

You’ll Be Able To Start 
Charging Higher Rates… And Even 
Command Lucrative Rev Shares.

(I’ll show you the BEST model for doing that. This is a MAJOR focus for us this year.)

But BEFORE I get into some of the actual SPECIFICS of what we’re going to share during AI Email Mastery…

There’s something I want to be clear on.

We ALWAYS Over Deliver With Our VIP Workshops… But THIS Time, We Actually PLANNED On It Ahead Of Time!

Because if you’ve attended any of our VIP workshops in the past…

You probably realized that we usually sell them as “3 day trainings.”

Then… what usually happens is…

We realize we have WAY more value to share…

Luke starts getting carried away…

And we EXTEND those workshops another day or 2.

But with AI Email Mastery, we’re aiming BIG from the start.

We’ve packed so much VALUE into this training… 

We’re not even trying to fool ourselves into thinking we can get it done in 3 days.

We’re gonna NEED at least 5 days to share all these secrets with you.

Oh, and by the way…

All the secrets we’re sharing… are based on what YOU actually told us you needed. And WANTED.

We didn’t “GUESS” on how to make this workshop valuable…

We surveyed hundreds of marketers/copywriters…

GRILLING them about their biggest struggles…

Then we spent two full months SOLVING all those problems.

Now… we’re ready to share the solutions with you.

Never Stress Over Coming Up With “Good Ideas” Again… We’ll Show You How To Generate A Year’s Worth Of WINNING Email Angles In Minutes!

ALL good copywriters/marketers know…

The STRENGTH of your idea is responsible for the majority of your results.

It doesn’t matter how good of a “writer” you are…

If your idea sucks, there’s gonna be crickets chirping in the inbox.

Yet… when we sent out our survey…

Ideation was THE #1 struggle people had.

People kept telling us it took them WAY too much time and effort to come up with WINNING ideas.

Well… Luke and I are going to reduce your ideation time to practically ZERO.

Because we’ve reverse engineered THOUSANDS of winning emails…

And more importantly… 

We’ve Developed 5 KEY AI Powered Processes 
For Generating ENDLESS Amounts Of High-Converting Email Angles…

The same kind of angles… usually reserved for world-class copywriters.

But now… you’re able to EXTRACT and REPLICATE these ideas… for ANY product or service… in seconds.

The crazy part is…

MOST of these processes require very little input or “thinking” on your end.

Literally ALL you have to do is follow our simple step-by-step instructions…

Paste EXACTLY what we tell you into Claude or GPT4…

Then wait 10 seconds…

As it spits out OPTIMIZED angles… that even a $500/email copywriter would likely struggle to come up with.

I don’t like to overhype things, but I’m VERY confident…

If you master just ONE of these processes, you’ll generate GREAT ideas MORE consistently than 95% of email copywriters out there.

So if you dial in 2…3… 4… or even all 5 of these processes, you’ll literally have more A-List Quality ideas than you’ll ever need.

OK, cool…

So we have IDEATION handled.

We can check that one off the list.

But when it comes to the actual WRITING of the emails…

We simplified THAT for you, too.

We’re gonna show you how to plug those WINNING ideas into PROVEN structures…

For curiosity based “Click Driver” emails

(Like the kind you see dominating the affiliate circuit)

Personality driven “Value” emails that warm up your list

(So you can INDOCTRINATE your leads… and get them COMMMITTED
to buying from you… WITHOUT being salesy or burning them out)

And Book A Call emails

(If you work with any high-ticket coaching clients, don’t be surprised if the sales team starts sending you GIFTS. Because you’ll be flooding the phones)

Because we’re going to show you…

How To Use The 5 Crucial Copy Blocks To Generate High-Converting Emails That Drive Massive Amounts Of Clicks

We’ve been simplifying the copywriting process behind-the-scenes for close to a year now.

And we found that pretty much ANY winning sales message…

Can be reduced to 5 crucial COPY BLOCKS… that do nearly ALL the heavy lifting.

This is ESPECIALLY true with email.

Which means…

High-converting emails…

That generate a massive amount of clicks…

And drive thousands of dollars in sales…

Don’t even NEED to be “written.”

They can simply be ASSEMBLED.

All you gotta do is EXTRACT these 5 Copy Blocks

(We’ll show you how.)

Then “PASTE” them in a specific order

(Which we’ll also show you…)

And you can get maximum eyeballs on ANY sales message.

So really the amount of time you spend on these emails is up to you.

If you’re a perfectionist… you might wanna do some light editing after.

But as long as you use copy and paste these 5 copy blocks… you’ll be driving some SERIOUS clicks.

We’re Also Gonna Walk You Through The “Book A Call” Email Playbook…

Breaking Down The Most PROVEN 
High-Ticket Email Frameworks That Work Over And Over Again!

These frameworks are the backbone of DOZENS of high-ticket businesses in the coaching, consulting, and agency spaces.

The MOST successful businesses rotate through these PROVEN angles over and over again.

And I’m gonna break them down FOR you.

I’m gonna show you WHY these emails work

The EXACT way to structure these emails for maximum conversions

And… how to leverage AI to do nearly ALL the heavy lifting FOR you!

Because all the emotional hot buttons you need to sell to YOUR market…

Have ALREADY been written FOR you! 

And I’m going to give you the SPECIFIC prompts you can use to ACCESS this goldmine of persuasive firepower.

So you can become a call booking MONSTER…

With the ability to keep ANY phone team busy… with layup leads who are pre-sold before even TALKING to them.

That’s a REALLY valuable skill…

Because these high-ticket offers are where a lot of the EASY money is for copywriters.

I mean, think about it…

If a business is generating $5K or $10K or even $15K PER sale…

And you’re able to consistently fill their phone lines with red hot leads…

Well, then suddenly giving you a 5K or 10K retainer doesn’t seem so hard to swallow, does it?

You’d literally pay for yourself with ONE sale.

You get two of THOSE clients… and you’re sitting pretty.

So we’re gonna arm you with the tools to make you an ASSET to those clients.

And that’s not even the most LUCRATIVE opportunity I see…

Because I’m Personally Gonna Walk You Through A 2 Hour Master Class On Crafting Email Cash Injection Promos… That 
Bring In Up To $10 PER Subscriber!

(Not per OPEN… or per CLICK.. per NAME!)

Not to toot my own horn…

But I’ve gotten pretty damn good at putting together these little email promos over the years.

When we promoted the AI Avatar Machine workshop a few months ago…

We made 120 sales.

That’s around $60,000.00 in revenue…

From a small email list of 6000 names.

That’s $10 generated PER subscriber.

Just from a simple mid-ticket offer. 

No upsells. No phone teams. No headaches.

Pretty impressive… considering the fact that MOST of those names were imported from our FREE newsletter…

AND the fact that our BEST subscribers (our Genesis members) already get access to the workshop for FREE. 

Now… part of this was because the offer was good…

(Pro tip: make sure your offers are good.)

And another HUGE part of it was HOW I structured the email campaign…

A process I’ve dialed in over the years…

After working with DOZENS of clients… in every niche from health to real estate investing.

And for the first time ever…

I’m gonna give you the secret sauce behind putting these promos together.

I’ll show you HOW I structure these campaigns…

ALL the important types of emails to send…

And how to use “Hormonal Sequencing” to trigger absolute BUYING frenzies… that make your payment notifications sound like a broken pinball machine.

No joke…

Luke and I are literally building a 7-figure agency RIGHT NOW… based on running these 
Cash Injection promos for clients.

Because after running dozens of them…

I know these promos can consistently pull $5-10 PER subscriber…

(If you want us to build on for YOUR list, hit us up. We’ll do it all and split the profits.)

And it’s basically FREE MONEY for your clients…

So as a copywriter, it’s the easiest way I know to get “ownership” in an offer.

Because you can walk in…

Put one of these promos together for a client…

And command 30-50% of the profits.

Which means… with the right list…

You can walk away with a royalty check of $30K, 50K, sometimes even 75K or more…

Just from running a simple 5 day promo.

That’s a LOT easier than trying to earn royalties through writing a banger cold traffic VSL.

And I’m going to walk you through the WHOLE process.

Including when and where it makes sense to leverage AI.

PLUS… We Have A Bunch Of 
Other Crazy Valuable AI Assets To 
Share With You, Too!

For example…

We have an AUTOMATED checklist… for COPY CHIEFING emails.

Because even though we’re giving you IDEAS and the STRUCTURE…

You don’t want to WASTE killer emails with shitty writing.

But honestly, nowadays, the actual writing is the LEAST important part of the process.

Because we have an automated checklist for improving the clarity, emotion, and persuasive power of ANY email.

You can walk through this checklist…

Or simply upload it into an LLM like Claude…

And you’ll activate a grumpy, grizzled, meticulous-attention-to-detail copy chief, who screams at you in a jarring New York accent…

(Can you tell who it was built after?!)

That’ll eliminate fluff and confusion from your emails…

And MAXIMIZE those emails for easy consumption.

Plus… we have the “Down & Dirty Email System” that produces pretty damn good emails in seconds… with no writing or editing required.

Look, we’re human.

Sometimes we don’t feel like doing any work.

Maybe we had one too many drinks the night before and our brains aren’t working.

Maybe we’re late to catch a flight to a ridiculously expensive UFC event…

(Don’t remind me how much I’ve spent.)

And we just don’t wanna write any damn emails.

But our clients still NEED those emails.

Well, that’s where the “Down & Dirty Email System” comes into play.

All you gotta do is upload 2 documents into Claude…

Then show them the kind of email you want to model…

And you’ll be able to PRINT 1…3….5…10 of those emails in seconds.

Then… just send the best ones to your client. And call it a day.

I consider these B+ level emails.

They’re still better than what most “email copywriters” write.

And they can come up CLUTCH for you in a pinch.

Now… we have more to share…

But there’s ONE thing that’s really important to us.

Because even though Luke and I are really good at WRITING high-converting emails…

And even though we’ve each ran 8-figure email lists for clients in the past…

I’m not gonna lie to you… and pretend that we’re some email management experts.

That’s NOT our main thing.

We haven’t really managed lists in years.

So instead of letting our egos take over…

Teaching you a bunch of outdated strategies…

And PRETENDING we’re the best at it…

We decided to bring in the ACTUAL best email experts in the world.

So we’re NOT coming into AI Email Mastery on our own.

We resorted to MAFIOSO tactics.

I called up a few of my shadiest cousins…

And told them to be “extra persuasive…”

The next thing you know…

We STRONG-Armed Invited A Legit All-Star Panel Of A-List 
Email Assassins…

Politely Asked Them To Share ALL 
Their Best Secrets As To 
What’s Working Now In 2024!

Out of the fear for their lives kindness of their hearts…

They agreed to join us LIVE for the first ever A-List Email Expert Virtual Speakeasy.
Imagine… going out for a private VIP dinner with 5 of the best email experts in the world…

And getting them to write down ALL their best secrets…

As to what’s working NOW in 2024

On a cocktail napkin that the rest of the world won’t ever see.

Then… answering all your most pressing email questions… for 2 hours.

Well, we organized a VIRTUAL version of this exact scenario.

And we brought in some REAL heavy hitters for this…

Including Jerrod Harlan, the Head of Email at Clickfunnels…

Jimmy Rutkowsky, the Book A Call phenom who’s a secret weapon for Cole Gordon and other 8-figure

Robin Burke, the “Maximum Clicks Maestro” who routinely generates 60-70% of the HIGHEST converting emails at an 8-figure health company each month…

Joey Percia, the email swiss-army-knife who runs the Email team at the rapidly-growing Performance Golf…

And Christian Davis… the genius behind a $2.7 million launch for one of Hormozi’s TOP brands.

These are email MONSTERS… who are in the trenches every single day

Sending millions of emails month after month.

They have access to more email data… across more diverse niches… than any squad you can assemble.

And they’re gonna spill it all during a LIVE call… as part of AI Email Mastery.

But we’re STILL not done.

Because On The 5th Day Of AI Email Mastery, We’re Going To Do A LIVE Implementation Workshop…

Where We’ll Actually All 
Write Emails TOGETHER!

Yeah… our trainings are entertaining.

There’s no doubt.

We’re gonna have fun.

But it’s NOT our goal to entertain you.

We’re here to DELIVER results.

We want to INSTALL skills in you… that you can actually USE to make money… for your business… for your clients… and for yourself… for YEARS to come.

So after 4 days of unloading all our best email secrets, systems, and processes…

Before we release you back into the wild…

We’re gonna make sure you ACTUALLY know how to leverage all this stuff.

That’s why we’re hosting this IMPLEMENTATION session…

Where we’ll work WITH you to craft emails…

And help you bring your emails up to a world-class level.

This way, by the time we’re done…

There’s no doubt in your mind.

No uncertainty.

No confusion.

You leave TRANSFORMED forever…

With the VALUABLE, highly in-demand skill set of being able to turn subscribers into cash.

Sound good?


So here’s the boring logistical stuff:

The LIVE AI Email Mastery Workshop 
Will Start On Wednesday 

September 4th At 2PM Eastern…

We’ll meet on Wednesday the 4th… and again on Thursday the 5th…

We’ll cover all the ideation, “click driving” emails, and Book A Call frameworks on these days.

Then instead of overloading you…

We’ll give you a little bit of time to process…

So you can play around with the systems we’re sharing.

Then we’ll meet up AGAIN the following Tues-Thurs for the Email Cash Injection workshop, the A-List Email Virtual Speakeasy, and the LIVE Implementation Workshop.

And yes… in case you can’t make any of these calls LIVE…

You WILL have access to the recordings. 

They’re usually sent out the SAME night as the LIVE calls…

That way, you can “catch up” before the next live class.

Obviously, This Is Some INSANE Value…
And We EASILY Could’ve Justifiably 
Charged $5000 For AI Email Mastery… But We Aren’t!

Look… our workshops usually attract high quality people…

Who are smart enough to realize the COMPETITIVE EDGE we offer.

That’s what makes our workshops fun.

And AI Email Mastery is easily the most TACTICAL workshop we’ve ever put together.

Yes, there’s theory and fundamental concepts we HAVE to share with you…

But at the end of the day…

This is about writing BADASS emails that print $… for both you and your clients.

It’s also about writing those emails QUICKLY… with less stress and strain.

So considering that we’re gonna show you how to write “click driver” emails, Book A Call emails, and run full-blown Cash Injection promos…

We’d easily be justified in charging 2K, or 3K, or even $5000 for this workshop.

I mean… it only takes ONE email retainer client to ROI on that investment. 

In ONE month.

And if you run a Cash Injection promo for the RIGHT client… you can get a 5-10X return on your first deal.

But it’s not our model to charge as much as we can.

We don’t need to make this a short-term money grab.

Luke and I both make more money WRITING copy than teaching copy…

So we like to make our trainings ACCESSIBLE.

And that’s NOT for some cheesy altruistic reasons.

Get it straight…

I WANT your money.

But I know that when we OVERDELIVER here…

And hand you a PROFITABLE skillset now…

You’ll be way more likely to CHOOSE to work with us for years… in part of Genesis or Copy Coders Elite.

Which means…

It’s SMART business sense for us to make this an EASY YES for you.

And that’s why you can sign up for AI Email Mastery today… for just a single one-time investment of $497. 

No brainer.

You can make that back in a couple of emails. 

Less than an hour of work… using the secrets we’re sharing with you.

But we know how the game goes…

We know that a lot of copywriters are going through a bit of a freelancing roller coaster.

So if that $497 is tough to swing right now, we’ll even let you break your investment up into 3 easy payments of $179.

(Yes, we expect you to make all the payments. Don’t make me call those cousins again…)

So really, there’s NO excuses…

We’re making this affordable for copywriters and marketers at ALL levels.

We want to give you a REAL SKILL SET that can help you command more value in the market…

So that you can start stacking retainers and rev share deals…

And put yourself in a BETTER financial situation.

There’s no doubt in my mind…

If you actually APPLY the secrets and systems we’re sharing, you can literally change your life.

It only takes ONE client to deliver a massive return.

So make sure you sign up…

And STEAL ALL Our Best AI Powered Systems

For Cranking Out High-Converting Emails In A Matter Of Minutes

P.S. This special offer EXPIRES at 11:59PM Pacific on Tuesday Sep 3rd
No exceptions. Even if we’re besties.

This SPECIAL offer
Is Now Closed

And Speaking Of “Returns”, We Want To Make It Easy For You To Get A Positive ROI On This Program… BEFORE The LIVE Classes Even Begin!

So when you sign up for AI Email Mastery today…

We’re gonna give you INSTANT ACCESS to pre-training super bonuses.
  • BONUS 1:

An Email Strategy MASTERCLASS With “Behind-The Scenes Savage” Cole Vandewoestyne

(Over $130M In Results)

I wasn’t kidding when I said Luke and I brought in the best of the best for this training.

That’s why we reached out to Cole Vandewoestyne…

A brilliant email strategist who’s driven over $130 million in email sales…

Working with big names like Keala Kanae.

(Who I’ve ALSO worked with.)

Cole gave a no-holds-barred expose around what’s working now in 2024…
  • ​He revealed his best strategies for boosting open rates from 25% to 65%...
  • How he added 150K/month to a client’s revenue using email…
  • The EXACT strategies he used to generate over 20M for another client…
  • ​Plus… the easiest way for copywriters to reach 10K/month… (he’s helped 1000s achieve this goal)
We held this training inside Genesis a few weeks ago.

We have it uploaded in the AI Email Mastery members area… ready for you to access right now.
  • BONUS 2:

An Insider Breakdown Of The Biggest Email Launch ($2.7M) Of 2024…

With Christian Davis!

Look… I gotta be careful talking about this one.

This launch was so successful, Alex Hormozi made a Youtube video about it.

(Rumor is… it was for one of his top portfolio companies. I can’t officially confirm or deny.)

What I can tell you…

Is that my friend Christian Davis...

Joined us to set the record straight…

And break down the EXACT strategy that he would’ve used for this launch…

If he “just happened” to be the copywriter responsible for putting it all together.

Again… not making any claims here.  

You’re smart.

You can judge for yourself.

But the video breakdown of this hypothetical launch is waiting for you.
  • BONUS 3:

Plus Over 10+ Hours Of ADVANCED Email Training From Inside The Copy Accelerator Vault…

I’m not pretending that Luke and I are the only ones to put out valuable email training.

The problem is…

A lot of the OTHER trainings were gated behind $25K a year masterminds like Copy Accelerator PRO.

Luckily, we have ACCESS to those trainings…

And we gathered up ALL the best email training from the CA Vault…

Over 10 hours worth…

And we’re sharing it all WITH you…

As a FREE bonus.

This includes:
  • Exclusive access to Justin Goff’s highly profitable email sequences that have generated over six figures per year for his business…
  • Comprehensive breakdowns of Jerrod Harlan’s DEADLY effective PWAT formula for driving massive clicks & sales…
  • The rapid-fire email formula from Jason Henderson leveraged early on to generate over $800 million in revenue.
  • Troy Ericson's set-it-and-forget-it list management tactics for achieving industry-leading email inboxing and engagement rates exceeding 98%.
  • The secrets behind Alex Cattoni's simple yet wildly profitable email promotion that produced over $500,000 in sales in just days.
You'll discover weird tricks, psychology tactics, frameworks, swipes and SO much more…

From the email marketing elite and many others… 

ALL Of This Is Included 
Inside AI Email Mastery…

Plus… a few other surprises that I’ll choose not to mention…

Since I probably got myself in enough trouble with this letter already. 😂

But the bottom line is this…
  • We know that world-class email copywriting is STILL a valuable, lucrative, in-demand skill in 2024.
  • If you want to CASH IN with that skillset… you need to separate yourself from all the COMMODITIZED email copywriters who are all racing to the bottom.
  • ​Inside AI Email Mastery, we’ll GIVE YOU the systems, strategies, and AI driven processes for producing high-converting emails… in LESS time than ever before.

    AND we’ll show you the BEST opportunities WE see right now…

    To start stacking lucrative retainers and rev share deals.

    (Including the Cash Injection Promos we’re literally building an agency around. So we’re WALKING the WALK.)
Those are the FACTS.

We’re opening up the door FOR you.

IF you choose to walk through that door…

The OTHER side of it will probably look something like this…
That’s not a claim. 

Consider it an “educated guess.”

But there’s only one way to find out for sure.

So if you think YOUR business…

Or YOUR copywriting career…

Can benefit from the ability to consistently crank out high-converting emailsfaster and easier than ever before…

Then click the big button below…

Sign up for AI Email Mastery right now…

And we’ll give you ALL our best systems, strategies, and processes.
Your choice.

Your life.

I hope to see ya there.


And STEAL ALL Our Best AI Powered Systems

For Cranking Out High-Converting Emails In A Matter Of Minutes

P.S. This special offer EXPIRES at 11:59PM Pacific on Tuesday Sep 3rd
No exceptions. Even if we’re besties.

This SPECIAL offer
Is Now Closed
Have any Questions? Contact Us: 
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